In attendance were:
Alison Boome
Mark Ellerker
Anne-Marie Fawcett
Debbie Harrison
Will Harrison
David Jones
Bev Riley
Tony Sargeant
Duncan Smith
Apologies from Mark Elvin, Paula Gill (Gawthorpe Community Academy Trust) and Tina Shute (South Ossett Infants Academy).
The group welcomed new guest Alison Boome from Holy Trinity C of E Primary School.
BR opened the meeting with news that Building Ossett Better would move forward as a society instead of a CIC. CIC to be wound up with zero bank account balance.
Nominations for new roles were voted on and the following positions were agreed:
Chair: Mark Ellerker
Vice Chair: David Jones
Treasurer: Bev Riley
Social Media /IT: Will Harrison
Secretary: Anne-Marie Fawcett
Committee members: Debbie Harrison, Tony Sargeant, Duncan Smith
WH introduced the new website. WH explained that the old website is still running and is directing viewers to the new site.
Name changed from Building Ossett Better CIC to Visit Ossett.
Action: WH to rebrand the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts and the website
Action: ME to discuss with Alan and Jackie Dean the possible collaboration of Visit Ossett and Love Ossett
2022 Events
June 4 Beer Cart
July 19 Ossett Gala
September 17 Heritage Day
Christmas Fundraiser
Charges for stalls to be increased.
Charity £25
Business £35
Food and drink £50
Free stall offered to OTTA for Heritage Day.
Action: DH to book a fundraiser stall for Ossett Gala
Action: DJ to contact Emma Kirke re DJ anchor for Ossett Gala
Action: Mark to contact Kat Calvert who has offered two 40 minute entertainment sessions free of charge. Agreed to give her a 1/2 page advert in the Gala brochure. Kat needs the PA and mic outside
Action: Mark to contact Kylie re provision of 2 x PA system for inside Town Hall
Action: AMF to contact Denise Jeffery re availability of Town Hall (and toilet facilities) on Heritage Day
Action: TS to book Visit Ossett Christmas party at Dimple Well Lodge for Monday 5 December 2022
Scarecrow festival confirmed as Heritage Theme.
Action: Bev to arrange scarecrow categories and trophies. Trophy for groups and business, Visit Ossett Voucher for individual winner
We discussed combining insurance with other Ossett and Gawthorpe groups and societies. We think this is not possible due to the need of an overarching organisation.
It was decided to keep the BOB logo and just change the wording to 'Visit Ossett'. It was agreed to use a strap line suggested by AB: Visit Ossett is committed to building a better Ossett.
Heritage Day. Ossett Through The Ages to offer a tour of the town hall if we have access.
Trophies for winners of Classic Car show. Still to decide.
AB suggested separating Visit Ossett events from other Ossett events on the website. This was agreed.
BR informed the group of The HARIBO Happiness Fund which aims to support local projects. The fund will provide support for initiatives that bring together older (50+ years old) and younger (up to 25 years old) people in a safe way.
Next meeting Tuesday 5 April at 7pm at Trinity Centre.